The Music Hater 1.0


Loyalty programme
2022. December 28. | Wednesday | 19:00 - 21:00
1131 Budapest Kárpát u. 23., RaM Színház by Freelusion
10 500, 8 500, 6 500, 4 500 Ft

Utter nonsense, anachronism, snobbery, unmitigated boredom, a complete waste of time. Who the hell goes to a classical music concert these days? To a concert hall? Good morning, we've even replaced the horse-drawn railway with a railjet, and we don't even fetch water from a well! People in frock coats waltz into antique wings as if it were still 1827; they play three-hundred-year-old menus and nonsensical cacophony, while the old ladies rattle the sugar papers and cough like a whole sanatorium, and I have to pay for it? And the conductor! Everybody pretends to be doing something important when all they're doing is waving a piece of wood in the air and then falling off the podium from the effort. It's ridiculous. What's good about it? Really?
The Danubia Orchestra and their artistic director, conductor Máté Hámori, are passionate about building new pathways to music and giving audiences the experience of wonder. Those who might be put off by 'classical music' can try to shed their aversion to the genre in a symphonic stand-up concert, The Music Hater 1.0, with comedian Péter Janklovics as their guide.

2022. December. 28. | Wednesday | 19:00 - 21:00
1131 Budapest Kárpát u. 23., RaM Színház by Freelusion
10 500, 8 500, 6 500, 4 500 Ft

Figaro házassága - Nyitány

A denevér - Nyitány

VII. szimfónia - I. tétel

Carmen - részletek

Di Capua
O, sole mio (arr.: Ott Rezső)

A tolvaj szarka - Nyitány